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As a Mom, you will understand that it is hard to keep on top of your fitness routine when you have other commitments taking priority in your life. With little time to cook healthy for yourself or take trips to the gym, you may see yourself piling on the pounds in the place you don’t want. There are many tips out there which promise to help you lose weight, but these often come at the expense of your health. Although it can be a daunting experience to start losing weight, it will help you feel more yourself, both physically and mentally, if you follow the right steps.

Exercise more

The simplest terms of losing weight are exercising more and eating better, which can be a difficult task when you are a mom. They key here is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, so that you don’t have to worry as much about spending long hours in the gym. For example, if you can walk your kids to school rather than drive, then this will also help their general health. If you are struggling to find ways to fit it into your routine, try getting up half an hour earlier each morning to go on a short run before the school day begins, which will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day.

Drink more water

If you don’t drink a lot of water, then your body will be holding onto water weight, which can sometimes account for up to twenty pounds of your weight. Though this can also come from eating refined carbohydrates, which attract water. You can shed some pounds quickly by upping your water intake to over two liters a day. This can help you feel less bloated and will be a great starting point.

Have smaller portions

If you know that you eat a lot of food during meals, then this is where portion control can be your savior. Having smaller portions allows you to cut down on how much you eat in an effective way, and you can start doing this by eating your meals from a smaller plate, which gives the illusion that you have a fuller plate to eat from. To ensure you have enough energy and nutrients, it’s wise to have a healthy snack source for you throughout the day. For the times when you feel yourself getting hungry, you should start taking appetite suppressants at the recommended dose, which will stave off your cravings until dinnertime. Click here to find the best ones for you.

Eat the right foods

A large part of losing weight is educating yourself on which foods make you put it on, and which don’t. The best thing to do is to start buying natural, non-processed foods, which are usually higher in calories, salt, and carbohydrates. You can then focus on how to balance your meals between vegetables, protein, and unrefined carbs, to ensure you’re getting the best nutrients for your body. It’s also good to remember that you can’t lose weight effectively by cutting all the foods you love out of your life, so it’s good to treat yourself every now and then with a takeaway or a chocolate bar.




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